Fear-busting tools for the busy athlete
FEAR. It’s one of the most frustrating things for coaches, athletes and parents! One day you can do the skill the next day you can’t, or you KNOW you can do it but your body won’t let you go. How can you beat this fear beast once and for all?
I have taken 28 years of peak performance mental training in gymnastics and distilled it down into the easiest set of tools possible. Short. Powerful. Simple. These hard-hitting tools are designed to battle fears, mental blocks, and balks in the shortest amount of time, in formats that athletes will use. This program is made of individual tools that can be used immediately in the gym and at home.
Each segment is four minutes or less so that busy athletes can fit it into their busy lives. You or your athlete can work that in, right? The free preview module is a bit longer because it’s the intro.
Download the free iOS compatible Teachable app to view or listen offline.
For six weeks, links to these tools will be emailed to you. They can be watched streaming online, or you can download them to the free Teachable app (iOS compatible) to take with you in the car, gym, or anywhere! In addition, mp3 audio files will be provided for even more flexibility. I’ve included written PDF files for those who want a deeper dive. Also included are reminder wallpaper backgrounds for you to use on your phone, tablet, or computer to remind you to stay vigilant in your Fear Beast battle.
Athletes can review the tools in sequence or, after delivery, revisit them individually whenever they need a reboot. There are 17 modules in all and one for you parents!
Throughout the program, I encourage athletes to reach out to me directly to let me know how they are doing and if they have any questions.
• Develop a foundation for the kind of athlete they want to be
• Become aware of their positive and negative thoughts
• Develop Mental Choreography to anchor the mind
• Trick the brain and program it to develop skills outside of the gym
• Develop habits to make skills more automatic
• Build their confidence using physical reminders
• Silence and turn around negative thinking QUICKLY
• Ignore fear that is holding back skills that their coaches say they are ready for
• Battle nervousness that “pops up” before competition or whenever!
• Minimize Fear of Failure
• Minimize comparison to others, over-thinking, and external stressors
• Learn from their fear. What is it teaching them about life?
• Get out of FEAR and into JOY
• Give their gift to themselves, their team, and the world
Your Instructor
Dr. Alison Arnold pioneered peak performance mental training in the sport of gymnastics. For the past 28 years, Doc Ali has worked with athletes in all sports, parents, coaches, Olympic medalists, and NCAA champions. She has coached celebrities, and corporations including American Express, Boeing, and GlaxoSmithKline.
After receiving her PhD in Clinical Psychology, she spent 12 weeks studying the mind with the masters in Nepal, four weeks in a Thai forest monastery, three weeks in the Amazon jungle in Peru, two weeks in silence integrating it all, and still made it back to teach it. She also received certification in Neuroscience and Leadership from MIT. A former high level athlete herself, she is relentless about helping people reach their potential. She has been a mental toughness coach for thousands of athletes since 1997. Doc Ali is a consistently invited contributor to national and international summits, and industry publications and websites around the world. She is the mother of a nine-year-old boy who snowboards, plays basketball & soccer, and competes in competitive chess.
Frequently Asked Questions
NOTICE: These tools are licensed for use by a single individual and recorded IP Address who purchases FEAR–Tame the Beast 2.0. Any unauthorized sharing, use of the materials for commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial) is prohibited. Sorry to be all legally but this puppy was a lot of work!
ATTENTION GYM, CLUB OWNERS AND DIRECTORS: The formats and delivery of this program have been optimized for individual athlete use. If you are looking for a solution for your team to do together, on an ongoing basis, the original FEAR–Tame the Beast is the perfect solution. To learn more, please visit our main website.
If you have any questions, please email me here.